Chris and Steve talk with Dr Mehdi Ravanbakhsh, co-founder of two AI startups – the 7-year-old data analytics and AI company MapIzy and the brand-new cryptocurrency platform, CryptoCrispy.
Originally from Iran, with a PhD from the Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany, and 20 years’ experience as an academic, Mehdi moved to Melbourne for his postdoc, then to Perth as an associate professor at the University of Western Australia.
Fascinated by the power of AI, he quit his job to set up MapIzy in 2015, winning contracts with Airbus and Toyota. Once the company was “in a good shape”, he set up CryptoCrispy in 2022, where he aims to improve crypto trading with AI, empowering smarter and easier trading.
“ If you’re interested in our innovation or solution, come and talk to us. We have an excellent track record, and we can empower people and organisations in many ways. ” ~ Mehdi Ravanbakhsh.
For more: https://mapizy.com/ and https://cryptocrispy.com.au/
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Startup West is recorded at Riff studios in beautiful downtown Perth, Western Australia; produced by Startup News, edited by Carmen Yee Kai Wen and brought to you thanks to support from Spacecubed, Curtin University, RSM, the City of Perth, Dinner Twist and Tekkon.
Startup West acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people, traditional owners of the lands and waters of Perth, where this podcast was recorded, and pays respects to Elders past, present and emerging.