88. Stephen Cornish – Pentanet

Danelle and Chris talk with Stephen Cornish, founder and managing director of Pentanet, a Perth-based internet provider providing super-fast speeds for homes and businesses.

A keen gamer, Stephen set up his first tower for himself so he could enjoy faster internet to play League of Legends. Years later, the company now owns the largest private fixed network in Perth, has listed on the ASX (‘5GG’), and even owns a professional League of Legends team.

“If you have an idea, you really have nothing to lose by doing it. You’ll have some challenges, things will get tough, and you’ll make sacrifices, but if you don’t do it, it won’t happen.” ~ Stephen Cornish.

For more: https://pentanet.com.au/

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Startup West is recorded at Riff studios in beautiful downtown Perth, Western Australia; produced by Startup News, edited by Carmen Yee Kai Wen and brought to you thanks to support from Tekkon, Dinner Twist, RSM, the City of Perth, Spacecubed and Curtin University.

Startup West acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people, traditional owners of the lands and waters of Perth, where this podcast was recorded, and pays respects to Elders past, present and emerging.