84. Kylie Dillon – Realtime Conveyancer

Brodie and Steve talk with Kylie Dillon, co-founder and CEO of Realtime Conveyancer, a three-year-old proptech startup that is streamlining the real estate legal purchase process “from contract to keys”.

With 19 years’ experience in conveyancing, she felt that the whole industry needed saving with technology, and sought out to develop it herself. As is often the case, the original quotation for development ended up being about a third of the eventual cost.

“I am really privileged that I come across a lot of great people and meet a lot of startups. But I think it’s anybody that is prepared to be real, and the reason behind their startup. I love a startup that is doing it for a purpose…” ~ Kylie Dillon

For more: https://www.realtimeconveyancer.com.au


SUBSCRIBE to ‘Startup West‘ wherever you get your podcasts, to ensure they reach you. There are 83 previous episodes, all featuring local startup founders, to listen to as well. Get inspired (if they can do it, so can you!), pick up some handy tips from their experiences.

Startup West is recorded at Riff studios in beautiful downtown Perth, Western Australia; produced by Startup News, edited by Carmen Yee Kai Wen and brought to you thanks to support from Spacecubed, Curtin University, RSM, the City of Perth, Dinner Twist and Tekkon.

Startup West acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people, traditional owners of the lands and waters of Perth, where this podcast was recorded, and pays respects to Elders past, present and emerging.