55. Clinton Schroeder – Tokn

Charlie and Danelle talk with Clinton Schroeder, co-founder and CEO of Tokn, an intelligent enterprise software platform (IPaaS).

An award-winning startup, growing to ten staff over five years with clients in Australia and New Zealand, Tokn allows enterprise software to be used on any device.

“… I think WA is a very innovative place. And I think we’ve always had to be, being isolated on the west of Australia, right back through the ages. Great innovations come from here. But the market is small. People have these ideas, and most of them are good ideas, but they often don’t get this opportunity to test it and grow…” ~ Clinton Schroeder.

For more: https://www.tokntechnology.com/


Startup West is recorded at Riff studios in beautiful downtown Perth, Western Australia; produced by Startup News, edited by Carmen Yee Kai Wen and brought to you thanks to support from the New Industries Fund, Spacecubed, Curtin University, RSM, the City of Perth and Dinner Twist.

Startup West acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people, traditional owners of the lands and waters of Perth, where this podcast was recorded, and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.