Kali and Charlie talk with Dr Vanessa Rauland, founder and CEO of ClimateClever, and cofounder and CTO Alexander Karan.
Their tech allows schools, homes and soon businesses to calculate and manage their carbon footprint. Things are taking off, especially since featuring on ABC TV’s ‘Fight for Planet A’ recently.
Listen through to the end, as there’s a bonus chat after the closing credits about a fund raise completed during Covid.
“… I think they had a call out for homes to participate in it, and she forwarded it to me and she said you guys should get in contact with this film crew and tell them about ClimateClever … that’s the power of the community and the supporters that you have.” – Dr Vanessa Rauland.
For more: www.climateclever.org/
Flight for Planet A: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/fight-for-planet-a-our-climate-challenge
Recommended podcast: The Messy Middle, from Andrew Horsfield: https://andrewhorsfield.com/podcast/
Startup West is recorded at Riff studios in beautiful Western Australia; produced by Startup News, edited by Carmen Yee Kai Wen and brought to you thanks to support from the New Industries Fund, Spacecubed, Curtin University, RSM and the City of Perth.
Startup West acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people, traditional owners of the lands and waters of Perth, where this podcast was recorded, and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.